Results for 'Iván Hernández Quintela'

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  1.  8
    Guía Para la Navegación Urbana.Iván Hernández Quintela - 2010 - Universidad Iberoamericana.
    "Esta guía se organiza a partir de ejercicios prácticos que estimulan la participación, interacción y curiosidad con y a partir de la ciudad; en donde cada ejercicio toma como referencia la manera enque algunos filósofos, cineastas, fotógrafos, artistas y arquitectos contemporáneos se han aproximado al espacio urbano. Cada ejercicio contiene un instructivo de cómo llevar a cabo las acciones de observación, registro ytoma de evidencia, cada uno ilustrado por el autor. Escrito con un estilo anecdótico, el libro se convierte en (...)
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    Forest Fire Prevention, Detection, and Fighting Based on Fuzzy Logic and Wireless Sensor Networks.Josué Toledo-Castro, Pino Caballero-Gil, Nayra Rodríguez-Pérez, Iván Santos-González, Candelaria Hernández-Goya & Ricardo Aguasca-Colomo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
    Huge losses and serious threats to ecosystems are common consequences of forest fires. This work describes a forest fire controller based on fuzzy logic and decision-making methods aiming at enhancing forest fire prevention, detection, and fighting systems. In the proposal, the environmental monitoring of several dynamic risk factors is performed with wireless sensor networks and analysed with the proposed fuzzy-based controller. With respect to this, meteorological variables, polluting gases and the oxygen level are measured in real time to estimate the (...)
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    Detection of forest fires outbreaks by dynamic fuzzy logic controller.Josué Toledo-Castro, Nayra Rodríguez-Pérez, Pino Caballero-Gil, Iván Santos-González, Candelaria Hernández-Goya & Ricardo Aguasca-Colomo - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The use of wireless sensor networks and the Internet of things to detect forest fire outbreaks may help to reduce the response time and avoid natural disasters. This work proposes the deployment of WSN to enhance the real-time monitoring of dynamic variables such as polluting gases, temperature or the presence of fire flames by infrared. In addition, the activation of forest fire alerts if environmental status may involve evidence of a recent fire outbreak. A fuzzy-based controller is implemented to manage (...)
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  4. Análisis de simulación de esfuerzos Y deformación plástica durante el contacto Y deslizamiento de dos cuerpos.Ivan Negrin Hernandez & A. Eduardo - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    RESEÑA de: López Molina, Antonio M. Teoría postmetafísica del conocimiento : crítica de la filosofía de la conciencia desde la epistemología de Habermas. Madrid : Escolar y Mayo, 2012. [REVIEW]Iván Caja Hernández-Ranera - 2013 - Endoxa 31 (31):411-414.
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    El debate Santos – Zuluaga, el uso de formas y secuencias recurrentes como mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos.Henry Hernández Bayter - 2015 - Pragmática Sociocultural 3 (2):174-203.
    Resumen Nos proponemos analizar los mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos movilizados por los dos candidatos a las últimas elecciones colombianas de 2014. Nuestro objetivo es poner de manifiesto las diferentes estructuras discursivas utilizadas por los dos candidatos durante el debate entre la primera y la segunda vuelta del 9 de junio de 2014. Este estudio se centra en ciertas formas recurrentes utilizadas por los dos candidatos con el propósito de exponer sus argumentos y desarrollarlos. En primer lugar, podemos constatar el uso frecuente de (...)
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    Critica dell’apparente e critica apparente. Simplicio interprete di Parmenide nel Commentario al de Caelo di Aristotele, Saggio introduttivo, raccolta dei testi, traduzione e commentario (Symbolon 44).Ivan Adriano Licciardi - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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  8. Nota del editor.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):259.
    El presente número de la Revista Escritos recoge algunos artículos cuyos resultados fueron presentados en el II Congreso Iberoamericano de Bioética e Investigación, llevado a cabo por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana en convenio con la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, entre el 17 y 19 de agosto de 2016. Así mismo, se incluyen algunas de las ponencias leídas por los invitados centrales del evento.
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    З'ява в україні "з'єдиненої церкви" і що вона дала українцям. До 420-річчя берестейської унії.Ivan Shevciv - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:47-54.
    Let's try to recognize the regularity according to the historical fact, give in a certain logical sequence its own vision of those events of the history of Ukrainian nation, which led to the rise of the Union of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the Roman Apostolic See in 1596. The reasons for this are seven.
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    El enigma del espíritu moderno: (ensayos).Iván Darío Arango - 2000 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquía.
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  11. Réplica: a filosofia da percepção nos Fatos do Espírito Humano de Gonçalves de Magalhães, de Evaldo Sampaio.Ivan Domingues - 2021 - In Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto & Alécio Donizete da Silva (eds.), V Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2021. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Wissenschaft ohne Grund: die Lebensphilosophie von Dilthey und Misch zwischen Schleiermachers Dialektik und Heideggers Fundamentalontologie.Ivan Jurkovic - 2021 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz. Edited by Dimitŭr Ginev.
  13.  9
    Filozofska hrestomatija.Ivan Kolarić - 2000 - Užice: Učiteljski Fakuatet.
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    Paradoxes in the Argumentation of the Comic Double and Classemic Contradiction.Benjamín García-Hernández - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (1):99-111.
    In the comedies of errors, and more precisely in the comedies of double, in which two identities become confused, the characters get into paradoxical situations reigned by the principle of contradiction. The classemic relationships that are based on the criterion of subjectivity are broken due to the intervention of the character appearing as the double, for the doubled and the double can appear as one subject or as two. In fact, in the added double one + one equals one (1 (...)
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    Izlazite li na izbore ovih dana? Milorad Stupar, Teorije o političkim dužnostima, Filozofsko društvo Srbije, Beograd 1996.Ivan Vuković - 1997 - Theoria 40 (1):151-153.
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    Ethics, science and technology.Ivan Domingues - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (111):0-0.
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    Expulsar, disciplinar y segurizar: el gobierno del Covid-19 en Chile.T. Iván Pincheira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):39-54.
    Siguiendo las coordenadas conceptuales propuestas por Michel Foucault en su abordaje del tratamiento gubernamental de las pandemias, en este artículo se desarrolla un recorrido genealógico por específicas prácticas de gobierno que se han venido desarrollando en Chile en distintos momentos de su historia; se visibilizan de este modo diversos actores de gobierno que buscarán conducir conductas y subjetividades en contextos de pandemia. Entendida como una propuesta metodológica, establecida en base a la identificación de actores, racionalidades y acciones de gobierno, inscrita (...)
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    The Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Context of Contemporary Physical Research.Ivan A. Karpenko - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (3):142-159.
    The second law results in the growth of the entropy – in superficial interpretation this principle presumes that the sufficient energy inevitably turns into the substandard energy. Order turns into chaos over time; however, chaos also turns into order under certain circumstances. The first research objective is to establish the possible prescientific ideas about the phenomenon – some philosophical intuitions that have preceded the scientific discovery of the second law and have conformed to it in a certain sense. It is (...)
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  19.  35
    Dall’identità all’uni-molteplicità. Parmenide in Plotino, Proclo e Damascio.Ivan A. Licciardi - 2013 - Quaestio 13:371-377.
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    Recommending beauty: semantics and pragmatics of aesthetic predicates.Ivan Milić & Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (2):198-221.
    The paper offers a semantic and pragmatic analysis of statements of the form ‘x is beautiful’ as involving a double speech act: first, a report that x is beautiful relative to the speaker’s aesthetic standard, along the lines of naive contextualism; second, the speaker’s recommendation that her audience comes to share her appraisal of x as beautiful. We suggest that attributions of beauty tend to convey such a recommendation due to the role that aesthetic practices play in fostering and enhancing (...)
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    ‘We Are All Occasional Politicians’: For a New Weberian Conception of Politics.Ivan Ascher - 2013 - Constellations 20 (1):138-149.
  22. Estetyka leninizmu i pytanni︠a︡ muzychnoï kulʹtury.Ivan Fedorovych Liashenko - 1980 - Kyïv: "Muzychna Ukraïna,".
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  23. Introdução ao estudo da filosofia.Ivan Monteiro de Barros Lins - 1935 - Rio de Janeiro,: J.R. de Oliveira.
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    Khimkinskiĭ les: neokonchennai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ borʹby.Ivan Smirnov - 2011 - Moskva: RODP "I︠A︡bloko".
    Издание содержит: из истории Химкинского леса; Химкинский лес как памятник природы; выбор трассы; начало гражданского сопротивления; рождение "Экообороны" и многое другое. Для широкого круга читателей.
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    Décoder le réel: dialogue.Ivan Toulouse - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Pierre Malifaud.
    Et si on appliquait à la philosophie la méthodologie du physicien? L'inexplicable constat des limitations inhérentes à toute réalité expérimentée inciterait à poser en théorie l'hypothèse d'un modèle exempt de ces limitations d'où pourrait procéder la réalité limitée telle que nous la vivons. Et si par déduction on en arrivait à des résultats scientifiquement plausibles, l'aventure à laquelle nous serions alors conviés serait de décoder l'univers comme une anamorphose. Sous la forme d'un dialogue, ce livre met en débat la pensée (...)
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    Arte, religión, filosofía. La doble posible interpretación del Espíritu Absoluto en G. W. F. Hegel.Javier Hernández Pacheco - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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  27. El poder en Juan de Torquemada.R. Hernandez - 1995 - Ciencia Tomista 122 (1):43-83.
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  28. Lenguaje divino y muerte de Sócrates.Iñaki Marieta Hernández - 1997 - Laguna 4:9-28.
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    Validez ejemplar, sentido común y universalismo: um estudio sobre la ejemplaridad en Kant y en la retórica aristotélica.Juan Carlos Castro Hernandez - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):33-54.
    Resumen: Una de las nociones más controvertidas dentro de las interpretaciones contemporáneas de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar, es la de “sentido común”. Junto a éste, Kant propuso un nuevo modelo de validez normativa calificada como “ejemplar”, cuyo planteamiento resulta bastante problemático. El presente artículo propone una lectura y una interpretación de este tipo de validez, a partir de la reactualización realizada por Alessandro Ferrara, y desde el horizonte de la tradición retórica, representada por Aristóteles Con ello se (...)
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  30. «Y llegarán a ser virtuosos» Ley jurídica positiva penal y educación.Héctor H. Hernandez - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (208):533-539.
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    Palliative care nursing involvement in end-of-life decision-making: Qualitative secondary analysis.Pablo Hernández-Marrero, Emília Fradique & Sandra Martins Pereira - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1680-1695.
    Background: Nurses are the largest professional group in healthcare and those who make more decisions. In 2014, the Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe launched the “Guide on the decision-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life situations” (hereinafter, Guide), aiming at improving decision-making processes and empowering professionals in making end-of-life decisions. The Guide does not mention nurses explicitly. Objectives: To analyze the ethical principles most valued by nurses working in palliative care when making end-of-life decisions and investigate if (...)
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    Intentionalism as a Theory of Self-Deception.Ivan Cerovac - 2015 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):145-150.
    Is self-deception something that just happens to us, or is it an intentional action of an agent? This paper discusses intentionalism, a theory claiming that self-deception is intentional behavior that aims to produce a belief that the agent does not share. The agent is motivated by his belief that p (e.g. he is bald) and his desire that not-p (e.g. not to be bald), and if self-deceiving is successful, the agent will end up believing not-p. Opponents of intentionalism raise two (...)
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  33.  25
    The Interactive Construction of Biological Individuality Through Biotic Entrenchment.Isaac Hernández & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  34. El tratamiento agustiniano del problema del mal: una vindicación frente a las crí­ticas secularistas.Juan Hernández - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (21):169-184.
    Resumen: El problema del mal sigue inquietando la conciencia humana, lo que hace indispensable revisar las fuentes de nuestro entendimiento de esa terrible dificultad. Agustí­n de Hipona suele ser considerado el primer filósofo en encarar este problema desde una perspectiva sistemática. Sin embargo, la solución privacionista que presentó, siguiendo directrices neoplatónicas, es considerada como un artefacto más teológico que filosófico. La solución agustiniana, de enorme influencia en la historia de la filosofí­a, ha sido acusada de ser una concepción metafí­sica y (...)
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    Sobre la obra de Néctor Mejía.Liliana María Hernández Obando - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (21):297-298.
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    Red Wood Ants Display Natural Aversive Learning Differently Depending on Their Task Specialization.Ivan Iakovlev & Zhanna Reznikova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The adaptive benefits of individual specialization and how learning abilities correlate with task performance are still far from being well-understood. Red wood ants are characterised by their huge colonies and deep professional specialization. We hypothesized that red wood ants Formica aquilonia form aversive learning after having negative encounters with hoverfly larvae differently, depending on their task specialization. We tested this hypothesis, first, by examining whether hunters and aphid milkers learn differently to avoid the nuisance of contacts with syrphid larvae, and, (...)
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    Democracy and education in a monetarist society.Ivan Snook - 1995 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 27 (1):55–68.
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    Genes or culture? A marxist perspective on humankind.Ivan T. Frolov - 1986 - Biology and Philosophy 1 (1):89-107.
    Intense interest has long been shown in the nature of humankind. Are we the products of genes? Are we the products of culture? Or are we something in between? The Marxist position, stressing the dominant significance of social methods for studying humans, is sketched. Then, a number of Western, biologically influenced views are discussed and criticised. Although there are important insights in the writings of the holders of these views, ultimately they produce only a semiscience.
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    John Dunn Interview.Ivan Cerovac - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):133-138.
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    Plural Voting and J. S. Mill’s Account of Democratic Legitimacy.Ivan Cerovac - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):91-106.
    This paper clarifies some of the contested ideas put forward by John Stuart Mill by analyzing the reasons and arguments Mill used to support them and demonstrating how these ideas and arguments supporting them are connected into a coherent system. Mill’s theory is placed in wider explanatory framework of democratic legitimacy developed by Thomas Christiano, and is portrayed as a typical example of democratic instrumentalism—a monistic position that focuses on the outcomes and results of a decision-making process. Following this move, (...)
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  41. Le De claustra animae d'Hugues de Fouilloy.Ivan Gobry - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (3):369-369.
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  42. La révolution évangélique.Ivan Gobry - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (3):349-350.
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  43. Pythagore, coll. « Les Grandes Leçons de philosophie ».Ivan Gobry - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (2):446-447.
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    Yawning Is More Contagious in Pregnant Than Nulliparous Women.Ivan Norscia, Lucia Agostini, Alessia Moroni, Marta Caselli, Margherita Micheletti-Cremasco, Concetta Vardé & Elisabetta Palagi - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):301-325.
    Contrary to spontaneous yawning, which is widespread in vertebrates and probably evolutionary ancient, contagious yawning—yawning triggered by others’ yawns—is considered an evolutionarily recent phenomenon, found in species characterized by complex sociality. Whether the social asymmetry observed in the occurrence of contagious yawning is related to social and emotional attachment and may therefore reflect emotional contagion is a subject of debate. In this study we assessed whether yawn contagion was enhanced in pregnant women, a cohort of subjects who develop prenatal emotional (...)
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    The Merry Sufferer: Authentic Being in Samuel Beckett's Happy Days.Ivan Nyusztay - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (1):112-124.
    Merriness and suffering seldom accompany each other. Looking at Samuel Beckett's dramas we find human beings whose suffering is both primordial—simultaneous with their conception—and final, allowing no culmination or relief. The sufferers have become indifferent toward their suffering because of a palpable lack of an alternative. They have grown accustomed to their misery, since their life was never anything but misery. Needless to say, in Beckett this ubiquitous misery and suffering never appear in themselves. The extremities of human calamities presented (...)
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  46. V. I. Lenin o vospitanii i obrazovanii.Ivan Trofimovich Ogorodnikov & V. A. Rotenberg (eds.) - 1973 - "Prosveshchenie".
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    The first code of medical ethics in an independent nation.Ivan Segota - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (6):381-386.
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  48. Resulta evidente que la medicina es una de las actividades humanas más ligadas al desarrollo de las tecnociencias y ello pudiera conducirnos a suponer que la práctica de la medicina, en virtud de sus fundamentos.Luis Felipe Abreu-Hernández, Gabriela de la Cruz-Flores & Gustavo Contreras-Mayén - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18 (33):203-215.
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    Inglés con fines específicos: entonces y ahora.Concepción Bueno Velazco & Magaly Hernández Más - 2002 - Humanidades Médicas 2 (1):0-0.
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  50. Actualidad de la metafísica aristotélica.Iñaki Marieta Hernández - 2009 - Laguna 25:131-134.
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